
By Car

Latitude 50°586298, Longitude 5°558474.

For more information, you can consult the acces map provided by ULiege, and also Google Maps.

Follow Parking 33a.

You come by highway E40 or E42

At the road interchange of Loncin, follow the direction E25 « Liège-Luxembourg ». A few kilometers later, you enter in the tunnel of Cointe. Take the first exit « Val Benoit-Seraing ». You need to follow the Meuse, at your left-hand side. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue to follow the river. Just before the football stadium, you have to pass under a bridge and immediatly turn right in order to cross the river on this bridge. Continue following the direction « Marche », the road (called « route de Sclessin ») climbs to the Sart-Tilman for around 3 kilometers. Then take the exit « Université de Liège ».

You arrive at a roundabout, take the first exit and turn right (direction « ULg / CHU ») to enter the campus. The road leads you to a third roundabout, you have to take the first exit. Then the « Allée de la Découverte » is the first exit of the next roundabout.  Buiding B37 is at the end of parking P33a.

You come by highway E25

Take Exit 40 « Embourg » then follow the direction ULg Sart-Tilman and once in the campus, directions B37 (building) or P33a (parking).

By bus

Lines 48 (from the city centre, bus stop « Opéra », or station Liège-Guillemins) or 58 (from station Liège-Guillemins).

Take the direction « Sart-Tilman CHU » and stop at « Polytech » (with lines 48 and 58) or « Science Park » (with line 58). Building B37 is at the end of parking P33a.

The path takes around 30 minutes, for more information you can consult the website of the transport service society.

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